Preparation is the key to a prayerful celebration. If a parish is aware of this, they are also aware that other structures are in place to foster parish prayer. These include a parish council, a liturgy committee, various task-oriented committees, involved clergy and staff, and a well-developed music program. St. Stanislaus has just such organized factors.
The sacristan’s role is to maintain the plans of the liturgical planning teams for the seasonal environment of the liturgical year, and to prepare the necessary furnishings, etc. for the various ministries. These include presider, deacon, servers, lectors, Communion ministers, hospitality ministers and crucifers, and occasionally the musicians. Sacristans also oversee day-to-day maintenance of liturgical objects, and offer help in improving areas of the environment as necessary.
The parish sacristan ministry really has in its power the ability to enliven the parish worship by the proper visual and physical preparation of the space. It can be a most necessary behind-the-scenes occupation which needs to be taken seriously. If you feel you are called to this ministry, please contact the parish office. You will be trained, given a book, and a list of responsibilities.