The Faith In God (FIG) group offers youth from the 8th – 12th grade a chance to gather in fellowship with other teens, friends and adults and participate in the many activities/social meetings that are fun, reflect our Christian values and are planned by the FIG. This Ministry coordinates various opportunities the Diocese offers which include Search, Disciples on a Journey and the Convention.
This group along with other youth in our parish have the opportunity to help with many of our fundraisers, such as the Gift Basket Fundraisers, Spaghetti Supper Fundraisers, Christmas Cookie Fundraisers as well as making crosses, selling raffle tickets and helping with Family Bingo Night. They also help the Parish by working various jobs at the Polish Festival. All proceeds from these fundraisers help support many of the activities for our FIG. These activities include ice-skating outings, bowling outings, certain retreats, game nights, bon fires, cook-outs and some holiday celebrations.
The youth are encouraged to participate in other activities like the Nativity Play and the Passion Play and go on a pilgrimage to the National Shrine in Washington, DC. They are also encouraged to bring a friend. The group also participates in some community service events such as Christmas caroling to the elderly, sponsoring an Easter Egg hunt for the local children and providing a soup supper during Lent.
The FIG meets on the third Sunday of each month, Sept – April, in the Parish Hall at 12 noon and May- Aug after the 9 am Mass for games, fun, crafts and socializing/planning sessions with our fellow members. The schedule is posted on the FIG Board as you enter the classroom hall. Come and join the Fun!